Domestic Animals

Smothering of domestic animals by closure of the mouth and nostrils may be accompanied past a variable distribution of tell-tale bruising nether the mentum, over the premaxilla, maxillary and frontal bones, and on the inner aspects of the lips where they are in contact with the teeth (or dental pad in ruminants).

From: Fauna Corruption and Unlawful Killing , 2008

Breeding of Animals

David R. Notter , ... Irene Hoffmann , in Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition), 2013


Domestic animals make crucial contributions to human well-being, and global need for animal products is increasing rapidly. The United nations Food and Agriculture Organization has identified more than 8000 breeds of domestic animals inside 25 domestic species. These breeds possess adaptational characteristics that let them to produce in a remarkable assortment of production systems, yet many have become endangered by contest from highly selected "global" breeds that are extremely productive only lack adaptational characteristics that are disquisitional in extensive and subsistence production. Programs to conserve and better employ this domestic animal genetic diverseness are critical to maintain this unique resource.

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Foods, Materials, Technologies and Risks

T. de Waal , Yard. Danaher , in Encyclopedia of Food Condom, 2014


Domestic animals are afflicted by a multifariousness of helminth parasites that have a significant economic touch on beast production. Broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs are commonly used to control these infections. This has not only led to the emergence of significant levels of anthelmintic resistance appearing to all the commonly used anthelmintic drug classes but also to the problem of drug residues in food. Maximum residue limits (MRL) have not but been gear up for anthelmintic drug residues in edible tissues every bit markers of food safety but also for the harmonization merchandise betwixt different regions around the world. In addition, withdrawal periods have been set for veterinarian medicinal products to ensure that residues have depleted below the MRL before tissues entering the food concatenation.

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Biodiversity in Logged and Managed Forests

Reinmar Seidler , Kamaljit Due south. Bawa , in Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition), 2013

Domestic Animals and Nonforest Species

Domestic animals and introduced species have been of import influences on forests throughout history. In European oak and beech forests, for example, pigs and other grazing animals were grazed in commons forests on a seasonal basis to take reward of fruit masting. Sheep and goats have about eliminated forest regeneration on the one time lushly tree-clad slopes of the Mediterranean and throughout the Middle Due east. Today, browsing of cattle is a major influence on remaining forest fragments in many areas of the tropics.

The movement of nonforest species into logged and disturbed forests is the origin of some of the apparent increases in species diverseness in logged forest plots. More than species of coleoptera, for instance, have been counted in logged tropical forests than in neighboring primary forest. The species lists in logged areas, yet, included the names of field species that had entered the woods later the canopy had been degraded.

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Our Upstanding and Moral Responsibility

Zenithson Ng , ... Jose Peralta , in Handbook on Brute-Assisted Therapy (Quaternary Edition), 2015 Social Benefits

Domestic animals may do good from HAI because it provides the opportunity for socialization, which is a necessary component of skillful welfare ( Odendaal, 2005). Dogs, in particular, are social animals that naturally desire social contact with others of the same species (conspecifics), and have transferred this desire to humans with domestication (Wells, 2004). It has been suggested that human contact may be fifty-fifty more important than contact with another canis familiaris (Wolfe, 1990), and that dogs may be more attentive to humans than conspecifics (Range, Horn, Bugnyar, Gajdon, & Huber, 2009). In ane written report, dogs appeared to prefer man contact over conspecific contact because the dogs solicited social interaction from and spent more time in proximity to a human rather than a kennel mate (Tuber, Sanders, Hennessy, & Miller, 1996). Therefore, dogs are capable of forming close attachments to humans (Gacsi, Topal, Miklosi, Doka, & Csanyi, 2001). In shelter settings, where HAI programs are often implemented to provide environmental and social enrichment, human contact has been regarded as a pleasurable activity for the dogs (Coppola, Grandin, & Enns, 2006). It has also been shown that both shelter and owner dogs prefer petting over exact responses (Feuerbacher & Wynne, 2015), indicating the importance of social and physical contact.

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Osteoporosis in Adults

Robert Marcus , in Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Affliction (Fourth Edition), 2017

c Phosphorus

Various domestic animals respond to excessive dietary phosphorus by increasing the endogenous concentration of PTH, resulting in negative calcium residuum and bone loss. In such animals, optimal dietary ratios of calcium to phosphorus approach 1.0. This has led to a popular theory that because calcium:phosphorus ratios in human being diets typically are well below i.0, phosphorus overconsumption initiates a similar process in humans.

Firm show to support a role for phosphorus excess in man osteoporosis has not been forthcoming. In contrast, some show indicates that intestinal calcium absorption and residual are adequately impervious to very wide variations in daily phosphorus consumption [37,38]. Carve up mention should be made apropos the office of phosphorus-containing soft drinks. Cola drinks contain phosphoric acrid every bit their source of effervescence, and one reads ofttimes in the lay printing that the loftier content of phosphorus in colas is an important contributor to developing osteoporosis. Nevertheless, although excessive soft potable consumption may well contribute to poor bone condition, this is so considering these beverages accept been substituted for milk, thus exchanging a calcium-rich potable for one that contains substantially no calcium [39].

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URL: discipline/commodity/pii/B978012802928200045X


Hans-Peter Uerpmann , in Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2008

Dog (CaNIS )

The oldest domestic animal is the dog. Its wild antecedent is the wolf, Canis lupus . (The scientific nomenclature of domestic animals is non regulated by the International Code of Zoological Classification. The arrangement applied in this article is based on Uerpmann (1993).) There are indications for increasing approaches between humans and wolves at Upper Paleolithic sites in Central Europe. For case, wolf bones are quite ofttimes establish at mammoth hunter'south sites in Moravia. While hunting and killing animals does not appear to exist an approach leading into domestication, it has to be assumed that hunting the adults would often have led to catching the very young ones live. Wolf puppies are wonderful pets. As said earlier, raising young animals probably was the bones cause of creature domestication. Nevertheless, domestication must non be seen as the inevitable issue of this activeness. At first, the raising of young ones simply creates tame animals – animals that know how to behave in human society. Domestication may follow, but only if the adaptations to coexistence with humans are inherited to farther generations.

In the example of the assumed tame wolves of the Upper Paleolithic, reproductive isolation from the wild wolves does non seem to have been consummate. Differences between tame and wild individuals, acquired past human preferences for particular properties of the 'pre-dogs', will have accumulated just slowly. Therefore, it remains difficult to notice these differences in the fossil record consisting of scattered bone finds. Skilful osteological bear witness for dogs is not available before the Mesolithic. On the animal side, this must have been due to increased genetic isolation betwixt tame and wild wolves – an isolation which had to exist due to changes in the relation between humans and early dogs. We may speculate that increased importance of tame wolfs or 'pre-dogs' for finding game in a more than vegetated landscape was a reason for paying more attending to these hunting companions. In that location is bear witness for early on dogs from Britain, Kingdom of denmark, and other parts of Europe, and from the Near East too, where we also find indications for an melancholia relation betwixt humans and early dogs. Skeletal remains of young wolves or dogs are sometimes found in human graves.

Item evidence for the process of domestication is also stored in the genetic lawmaking of animals. Comparative analysis of the DNA sequences of dogs and wolves yielded the about important information that – contrary to former assumptions – the Due north American wolves were not domesticated. Pre-Columbian dogs in America derive from animals which came from Asia together with the man population. Whether all dogs derive from Eastern asia, as likewise suggested from Deoxyribonucleic acid evidence, remains questionable. The supposition that domestic dog domestication should accept happened in an area where the local wolves had a gene pool broad enough to contain about of the basic genetic variation of dogs would be plausible just if domestication was a natural evolutionary procedure. Yet, the main cause for the arroyo between wolves and humans was the interspecific social capabilities of the latter. How would these people take been capable to realize which wolf population had plenty genetic variability to encompass more than 95% of the respective variability of modern dogs? A polycentric or widespread origin of dogs throughout the sometime mammoth steppes of Eurasia would also be compatible with the Deoxyribonucleic acid patterns of modern dogs (see Aboriginal; Modern, and Archaeology.

From the fossil record, it is difficult to reconstruct what the very early dogs looked like. They were smaller than wolves, but may not take looked very different. The manifold differences betwixt contempo dogs and wolves volition accept evolved after this initial stage when information technology became important for dogs not to be mistaken for a wolf. Wolves became enemies when humans started to have other domestic animals than dogs. Domestic sheep and goats are easy casualty for wolves, only humans were not willing to share this base of their subsistence with the wolf.

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URL: discipline/article/pii/B9780123739629000807

Ancient Foretellers

Leonid F. Khilyuk , ... Bernard Endres , in Gas Migration, 2000

Abnormal Animal Behavior

Premonitory aberrant behavior of animals (wild and domestic) is of scientific interest. Anecdotal reports of such behavior grow. It is non surprising, therefore, that in the past, people kept animals as earthquake predictors. Thus, scientists worldwide take conducted a neat bargain of research on the bailiwick of abnormal fauna behavior on the eve of earthquakes.

Detailed studies on animal beliefs were conducted after a series of nine bang-up earthquakes in China with the magnitude higher than Thousand R = 7.five (Ma et al., 1988). There were considerable anomalies in the behavior of animals before (and during) all nine events. Cattle, dogs, rats, fish, craven, birds, pigs, and snakes inverse their behavior before the land earthquakes, whereas many sea species behaved unusually on the eve of sea earthquakes (together with land animals along the seashore). Animals panicked (for case, cows jumped out of their stables in terror) and calmed rapidly without visible crusade. In many cases, an earthquake and so occurred.

The time lapse between the anomalous behavior of animals and the earthquake occurrence ranged from a few seconds to several months. Despite the variations in species and in timing, but iii possible models of beliefs change were considered in all of the reports: (1) changes in the activity level, (two) changes in vocalization, and (three) migration in space. Many reports take not been verified and seem to be speculative. However, the consistency in description and the considerable number of these reports cannot exist ignored.

Amongst anecdotes on abnormal creature behavior, the story of a dog named Menelic is the virtually impressive. The story was presented in the book entitled Earthquakes (Russo, 1966). On the eve of the devastating Messina convulsion of 1908 in Italy, a troop of comedians was staying at the Mazotti Hotel in Messina. Two teenage acrobats, brothers Mickele and Alfredo The gambia, occupied the same hotel room with their domestic dog Menelic. On the morning of December 28, 1908, the dog, which had been sleeping at the brothers' feet, suddenly began barking and howling. The brothers tried to silience her, but the dog connected barking and howling. Menelic so pulled the blankets away from the brothers, caught one of them past the arm, and pulled him out of the hotel. The domestic dog connected barking, so that the whole troop of comedians woke upward and gathered in the street. The dog leaped and ran effectually the people, pushing them out of town. When the procession of comedians left town, the earthquake occurred, turning the boondocks of Messina into ruins.

Wordwide observations prove that the main behavioral anomalies of domestic animals are concentrated effectually a one-day timespan before a seismic event and are linked to large active faults. Before the Songpan earthquake in Mainland china in 1976, for example, 3 time periods were observed, during which pronounced abnormalities occurred one mean solar day prior to the seismic outcome along the Longmenshan fracture zone. The Chinese investigators ( Ma et al., 1988) reported that the time and location of the dissonant animal behavior was consistent with the anomalies in physical and chemical phenomena, such as electrical resistivity of rocks, groundwater level, escape of ground gases, radon emission, and then on.

Another mysterious story of dissonant animal behavior concerns snakes, which began to crawl out of their holes 2 to 10 days earlier the Spitak convulsion in 1988. On the eve of the earthquake in Armenia, which occurred in wintertime, the hibernating snakes (Figure 10-2) crawled out of the holes near the mistake zone and died on the snow-covered ground. One of the possible hypotheses explaining the beliefs of these snakes is the assumption that they are sensitive to changes in the concentration of various gases near the fault zone due to up gas migration on the eve of the convulsion.

Effigy x-two. Snakes that ceased hibernating and crawled out of their holes prior to the convulsion. Vipera lebetina (left) and Colober ravergieri (right) are shown above. Other snakes in the surface area were Natrix teyellata, Colober caspius, and Typhlops vermicularist.

The numerous examples of abnormal animal behavior on the eve of seismic events suggests the possibility of applying these anomalies for forecasting purposes. Scientists, however, are skeptical because these stories are difficult to verify. Additionally, the time lapse betwixt the animal beliefs modification and the occurrence of seismic events varies considerably in these reports (from minutes to months). For this reason, it is not possible to use aberrant animal behavior as a reliable convulsion forerunner. It is believed that most behavioral abnormalities can be attributed to the influx of gases (e.g., CO2, radon, etc.) to the surface along faults and fractured zones.

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Hazards and Diseases

S.P. Luby , in Encyclopedia of Nutrient Safety, 2014

Control/Preventive Measures

Limiting fruit bat access to domestic animals and to the homo nutrient supply is a first step toward preventing human Nipah virus infection. Separating domestic animals from the firsthand environment of copse that produce fruit that are bonny to Pteropus bats tin reduce risk. Although it is unrealistic to expect creature handlers in regions where Nipah virus circulates to clinically distinguish a domestic brute infected with Nipah virus from much more than mutual infections, encouraging people who handle sick animals to protect themselves from exposure to saliva and to wash their hands with soap later on contact with ill animals may reduce the hazard of transmission. In Bangladesh, research teams are evaluating programs to encourage the wider apply of skirts made from locally available materials that foreclose the access of bats to engagement palm sap intended for raw consumption. The large outbreak in Malaysia ended after widespread deployment of personal protective equipment to people coming in contact with sick pigs, restriction on livestock movements, and culling more than 900   000 pigs. Preventing person-to-person transmission requires developing interventions to reduce saliva exposure amid people who care for seriously ill patients. In outbreak investigations of person-to-person Nipah transmission, washing hands with soap later contact with Nipah patients has been associated with a reduced risk of the virus transmission.

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URL: discipline/commodity/pii/B9780123786128004066

History, Science and Methods

Z. Hossain , in Encyclopedia of Food Safety, 2014

Geographic Distribution, Prevalence, and Incidence

Glanders is a common problem among domestic animals in Central America, Due south America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, but has not occurred in the US since the 1940s. Melioidosis caused past B. pseudomallei is endemic in Southeast Asia, and most cases are reported in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Kingdom of cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. It is estimated that 5–twenty% agronomical workers in endemic areas have antibody titers to this pathogen. This bacterium is a major crusade of morbidity (an estimated 2000–3000 cases per year) and mortality in northeastern Thailand. Major incidences of this affliction are likewise recorded in northern Commonwealth of australia. Tabular array 1 represents the overall scenario of human being melioidosis in this region in accordance with the clinical presentations. During the Vietnam War, melioidosis was referred to as the Vietnamese Time Bomb when American Troops returned from Vietnam, and were diagnosed as carriers of latent infection with likelihood of recurrence. Other regions, where melioidosis is recognized in humans and animals, include Africa, India, Mainland china, Taiwan, Brunei, the Eye East, and South Pacific. Incidences have also been reported from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Confirmed periodic cases of the disease have been reported in Iran. Israel has by far had no reports of melioidosis. During the twentieth century, desultory cases in western countries were documented mainly among returning travelers or military veterans. As cases are being increasingly documented from exterior the classic endemic regions for melioidosis, global warming is assumed to play a critical part in farther expansion of the endemic boundaries of the illness.

Tabular array 1. Clinical presentations and outcomes of melioidosis in northern Australia

Parameter Number of patients Number of deaths Mortality in percentage
Bacteremic 117 43 37
Pneumonia 66 31 47
Genitourinary infection 23 4 17
Osteomyelitis, septic arthritis 4 1 25
Other diagnoses 24 7 29
Nonbacteremic 135 six four
Pneumonia 61 4 vii
Genitourinary infection 14 0 0
Skin abscess 32 0 0
Soft tissue abscess 10 0 0
Neurological x ii twenty
Osteomyelitis, septic arthritis 5 0 0
Other diagnoses 3 0 0
Full 252 49 nineteen

Source: Reproduced from Currie BJ, Fisher DA, Howard DM, et al. (2000) Owned melioidosis in tropical northern Commonwealth of australia: A x-yr prospective report and review of the literature. Clinical Infectious Diseases 31: 981–986.

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Ranald Munro BVMS, MSc, DVM, Dip Forensic Medicine, DipECVP, MRCVS , Helen M.C. Munro BVMS, MRCVS , in Animal Abuse and Unlawful Killing, 2008


Fantabulous texts on veterinarian toxicology and poisoning of domestic animals and free-living species are available. 1–vi This short chapter makes no attempt to provide a guide to poisons and their effects, but but addresses a number of practical bug related to the investigation of alleged poisonings.

The starting time issue in suspect 'poisoning' cases is why poisoning is being considered. Are there aspects of the history that identify poisoning high on the differential diagnosis list? – for instance, 5000 dead fish downstream of a chemical plant. Or is 'poisoning' a tentative diagnosis based on disability to find an alternative cause of expiry in an otherwise healthy looking brute?

The source of the toxic product may, initially, be obscure, as in the example of percutaneous absorption of phenolics from pentachlorophenol-treated wood shaving used for bedding. 7 Similarly, suspicious deaths in muzzle birds may be related to inadvertent poisoning caused by overheating of cooking ware coated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or past acrolein or other vapours associated with cooking fats and oils. eight

Toxicity related to environmental contagion may be a natural phenomenon or one linked to the ingestion of discarded human-made objects such as shotgun pellets, lead fishing weights or vehicle batteries. Other poisonings effect from abandon, such as assuasive dogs to have admission to slug baits or cats to lap spilled ethylene glycol. On farms, spilled insecticides or over-enthusiastic application of agrochemicals pose a threat to wildlife.

Malicious poisoning of wildlife and domestic animals – raptors, foxes, dogs and cats – is depressingly common and often involves agrochemicals or rodenticides. These deliberate poisonings rely on the target species, or individual, taking bait. Examples are expressionless rabbits contaminated with carbofuran (Fig. 15.1), or eggs laced with strychnine or organophosphorus insecticide. These baits are, however, indiscriminate and it may exist a family unit dog out for a walk with the children that finds and consumes the toxicant.

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